In Ground Hot Tubs Hot Tub Maintenance Hot Tubs IN Ground Pools Immerspa Cleaning Hot Tub inground hot tub

1. Test the water regularly.  

The secret of hot tub care and cleaner water is to test the water! Use these results and make small adjustments to pH, alkalinity, calcium hardness and sanitizer levels regularly. This means testing the spa water 2–4 times per week. 

2. Keep the pH in check. pH is a measure of how acidic or basic the water is. The ideal pH level for hot tub water is 7.4 – 7.6. If the pH level is too low, it can cause skin irritation and also damage the hot tub itself. If the pH level is too high, it can make the water feel slimy and cause eye irritation. 

3. Maintain alkalinity levels.  

Alkalinity is a measure of the water’s ability to neutralize acids. The ideal alkalinity level for hot tub water is 80 – 120 ppm. If the alkalinity level is too low, it can cause the pH level to fluctuate. If the alkalinity level is too high, it can cause the water to feel sticky. 

4. Keep calcium hardness in check.  

Calcium hardness is a measure of the amount of calcium dissolved in the water. The ideal calcium hardness level for hot tub water is 150 – 200 ppm. If the calcium hardness level is too low, it can cause the water to be corrosive. If the calcium hardness level is too high, it can cause the water to feel stiff. 

5. Sanitize the water regularly.  

The best way to sanitize hot tub water is with chlorine or bromine. Hot tubs that use ozone or ultraviolet light also need to be sanitized regularly. The ideal chlorine level for hot tub water is 2 – 4 ppm. The ideal bromine level for hot tub water is 3 – 5 ppm. 

6. Clean the filters regularly.  

Hot tub filters should be cleaned at least once a month. Some filters can be cleaned with a hose, while others need to be soaked in a cleaning solution. 

7. Shock the water regularly.  

Hot tubs should be shocked once a week to kill any bacteria that may be present in the water. Shocking the water also helps to maintain the sanitizer level. The ideal chlorine level for shock treatment is 10 ppm. The ideal bromine level for shock treatment is 20 ppm. 

8. Clean the hot tub itself regularly.  

Hot tubs should be cleaned with a mild soap and water solution. The Hot tub should be scrubbed down at least once a week, and more often if it is used frequently. 

9. Inspect the hot tub regularly.  

Hot tubs should be inspected for leaks, cracks, or other damage on a regular basis. If any damage is found, it should be repaired immediately. 

10. Call a professional if needed.  

Hot tubs are complex pieces of machinery, and sometimes they need to be serviced by a professional. If you are having any problems with your hot tub, or if you just want peace of mind, call a hot tub service company to have your hot tub serviced. 

Here are five Spa and Hot tub care tips that will serve you in handling 95% of tasks: 

  • Test and adjust your spa water balance 2–4 times per week. 
  • Clean the spa filter every 1–2 weeks, and replace annually. 
  • Keep the spa clean; drain and refill every 3–4 months. 
  • Air out the spa cover twice per week. 
  • Add water as needed to keep the spa full. 

That’s all there is to it! If you have any questions about the order of hot tub care activities, or if you’re seeking for more advice on how to maintain a hot tub correctly, check out Leslie’s Hot Tub Maintenance Checklist for more information. 

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