Immerspa Inground Pool

As the colder months approach, it’s time to consider the winterizing process for your Immerspa pool or spa. While our premium inground hot tubs and spas are designed for year-round enjoyment with the right heating package, some homeowners opt to close them during the winter season. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to ensure a smooth winter closure that protects your investment and prepares it for the next season of enjoyment.

Step 1: Chemical Balancing

Before you begin the winterizing process, ensure your pool or spa’s water chemistry is perfectly balanced. Adjust pH, alkalinity, and sanitizer levels to prevent algae growth and contamination during the dormant period.

Step 2: Cleaning

Thoroughly clean the pool or spa by using specialized equipment like an external pool vacuum. This will remove debris and prevent staining from leaves, ensuring a clean and beautiful pool when you reopen it.

Step 3: Draining and Cleaning Pipes and Lines

To prevent freezing and potential pipe damage, drain all connected pipes and lines. This step is crucial to avoid complications that could arise when you’re ready to use your pool or spa again.

Step 4: Cover Installation

A durable cover acts as a shield against debris, sunlight, and harsh weather conditions. Place a secure cover over your pool or spa to protect its aesthetics and maintain its condition during the winter months.

Step 5: Additional Winterization Steps

For those choosing to close their Immerspa for the winter, here are some extra steps to consider:

Properly disconnect and store any accessories or equipment.
Lower the water level in your spa or pool, following manufacturer guidelines.
Add a winterizing chemical treatment to prevent algae and bacterial growth.

While Immerspa’s inground hot tubs and spas are designed to offer year-round relaxation with the appropriate heating packages, winterizing your investment can ensure its longevity and pristine condition for the next season. Whether you choose to keep your spa open or close it for the winter, following these steps will help you make the best decision for your pool or spa’s health and longevity. Remember, your Immerspa is built to provide years of enjoyment, and proper winter care is a key part of that equation.

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